Association of Pittsburgh Priests 

"Women and men responding to God's baptismal call to renew ourselves and the Catholic Church, welcoming and including all, for a world of mercy, justice and peace."

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Fall Speaker Series - November 7

Sr. Janet will explore the difficulties of living today in hope rather than cynicism or negative disillusionment – in face of over whelming challenges personally, in our Church, and in our nation. How to live in this tragic gap peacefully? She will reflect on Pope Francis’ dynamic of holding the polarities until the Holy Spirit envelopes them with fresh possibilities. She will explore our call: to stand in the tragic gap of our world, helping hope to emerge; helping community to grow – Becoming and Being the Beloved Community wherever we are; listening to the Voice of God incarnated in our midst.

Janet Mock, a Sister of St. Joseph of Ba den is a former mistress of novices and then superior. She was Executive Secretary of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. She lives out of a call much greater than herself. She believes that team leaders draw forth the best of each team member. For Sr. Janet, leader ship is only done as a community of equals. In “retirement” Sr. Janet continues to build the Church through retreat work, public speaking, and spiritual direction.

This will be a hybrid event - ZOOM or IN PERSON

MARY QUEEN OF PEACE PARISH HALL, 81 S. 13th Street, South Side (15203)

When you register, you will receive a link, which you can use, or come in person!

For a detailed listing of each presentation & a short bio of the speaker:

Click   APP Fall Flier 

Revisit Recent Speakers & Support Future Speakers

The APP Speaker Series is a unique voice and powerful tool to help the Church's faithful inform and educate themselves to fully live their baptismal call as we strive to become Missional Disciples. 

It is an expensive program to produce.  APP is a member run organization.  We believe the Speaker Series is important.  If you do too, please consider joining APP or making a donation to support this programming.

            Special Opportunity: Catholic Social Teaching's Core Principal - Liturgy & Life, Dr. Tom Octave

An overview of CST, a consistent theme of Popes through the last century, and how it flows from Jesus and our weekly liturgies.                              Click here for his 45 minute presentation.

Statement Calling for Cease Fire and Humanitarian Aid in Gaza

"It is imperative that the U.S. and the international community exert all its power and leverage to stop the carnage in Gaza and take decisive diplomatic action for a lasting peace built on justice for all involved.  Anything less will be viewed by history as complicity."

Read & Sign the PaxChristi/Catholic Advisory Council for Churches for Middle East Peace/& others’  Letter calling for an immediate cease-fire in Gaza.

APP Thanks Pope Francis for Repudiating the Doctrine of Discovery

On August 14, the APP Board of Directors approved a letter of gratitude to Pope Francis for Vatican's repudiation on March 30, 2023 of the Doctrine of Discovery. Our letter also requested further consideration due to the harmful effects on the peoples and cultures of the Americas, Africa, and Asia.

Click to read the letter

What is the Doctrine of Discovery?

Papal letters in the late 1400s provided the basis and precedent for the legal and religious concept that has been used for centuries to justify the colonization and exploitation of indigenous peoples.

Promoting a Culture of Life

Association of Pittsburgh Priests calls on Catholic leaders to develop new pastoral, spiritual approach regarding abortion and the culture of life          -June 13, 2022

Read more


APP is committed to doing all that we can to promote Synodality in Western PA. Synodality is a way of journeying forward, led by the Spirit, in our polarized world for our newly merged parishes, for lay groups associated with religious orders, and other groups wanting to live the Gospel more faithfully. Synodality is an on-going process – of listening to each other and for the Spirit, sharing hopes, experiencing supportive community, and being open and responsive to the pain of the world. Synodality is the way to grow as Church.

Learn More

Visit our Resource page for the Final Synthesis Report, Oct. 28, 2023 & more.

Visit our YouTube to view our entire collection of speakers!

APP is a member run and supported organization. 

Please consider joining below or donate now to help support our programming.  Thank You!

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Join the women and men of APP who, for almost 60 years, have worked toward an inclusive and transparent Church and have lived the Gospel values of Justice and Peace.
Join now and together we can make a difference.

Membership Benefits

  • Your name and contact information listed in the Speakers Bureau
  • Attend Speaker Series free-of-charge
  • Access achieved Speaker Series presentations on-demand.
  • Opportunity to run for Board of Directors
  • Participate on one of many APP committees
  • Discount on the APP Book or Free book upon joining
  • Invitation to APP Annual Meeting

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