Association of Pittsburgh Priests 

"Women and men responding to God's baptismal call to renew ourselves and the Catholic Church, welcoming and including all, for a world of mercy, justice and peace."

Who We Are

Our Mission

The Association of Pittsburgh Priests is an organization of ordained and non-ordained women and men who act on our baptismal call to be priests and prophets. Our mission, rooted in the Gospel and the Spirit of Vatican II, is to carry out a ministry of justice and renewal in ourselves, the Church and the world.

What's in a Name?       Our Logo.

Our Members

We the members of the Association of Pittsburgh Priests are ordained and non-ordained women and men who act on our baptismal call to be priests and prophets. Our members include school teachers, bankers, priests, lawyers, retirees, electricians, religious, wealth managers, and so many others – faithfully longing for a Church welcoming of all and engaging everyone to their full capacity. What binds us is our primary goal: to be a vibrant, progressive voice for Catholic social teaching in Southwestern PA by our words and actions. Together, supporting and educating one another, we amplify our impact for the renewal of our Church and society


In the Eucharistic Prayer II of the Mass, we ask God to remember the Church and "bring her to the fullness of charity." This is the gritty, beautiful work I see members of the APP engaged in as they work with the Holy Spirit to bring about a more charitable, just, and compassionate Church. I am humbled to learn from their witness and do my small part in creating the graphics for their speaker series!  

                                          - Andrea W.


Even though I have moved to Hamilton, OH, I continue my membership with APP because I relish the opportunity to be spiritually fed by such powerful voices through the speakers series. I am also inspired and supported by so many members!

- Becky N.


   We believe we are called:

To live in awe of God, creator of this harmonious, fragile universe,

To be gracious for God’s love in sharing with us our place in it, 

To honor the harmony of God’s wind, water, plants, and animals,

To care for and protect this precious, precarious gift, and, by imitation,

To spread God’s love in the world.


  We believe we are called:

To follow Jesus, to learn Jesus, to be like Jesus, and like Jesus, seek

To discern the will of the Creator and the wisdom of the Spirit.


  We believe we are called:

To feed the hungry, care for the sick, shelter the homeless, 

To comfort the suffering, give drink to the thirsty, 

To counsel the doubtful, visit the imprisoned, bear wrongs patiently, 

To be forgiven as we forgive, to practice mercy,

To bury the dead, and always, to pray for the living and the dead.


  We believe we are called to honor, value, esteem, and learn from: 

        Those who are poor in spirit, who mourn, who are meek, 

Those who hunger and thirst for justice, 

Those who are merciful, pure of heart, and peacemakers, and 

Those who are persecuted and vilified for Justice’s sake and Jesus’ name.

  We believe we are called:

To seek the face of God in the poor, the vulnerable, and the annoying:

To listen to their joys and their pains, to welcome, include, and protect them,

To love each of them -- as we should be able to love ourselves, and especially,

To learn to love those whom we are taught to see as our enemies.


  We believe we are called:

To understand the limitations of our own vision,

To resist the painful shaping glamor of popularity, media, inequality, or ideology,

To be not afraid, anxious, or covetous of the goods or fame of others,

To trust in God rather than in our possessions, righteousness, or our own ability to control,

To share generously the resources of the planet, and

To share especially those resources, we might have come to think are ours to abuse.


  We believe we are called:

To speak boldly from our experience rather than opinions,

To listen genuinely to the stories of the poor and vulnerable, and the stories of the earth,

To temper those stories with the whisper of the Spirit and the voice of the common good, 

To discern deeply with God’s will, and

To share God’s love with all creation.


With the grace of God, the model of Jesus, the guidance of the Spirit, and the help  of each other, we believe we will thrive in your love. We ask God for the courage to live it out.

History of APP

In the summer of 1966, inspired by Second Vatican Council, a group of nineteen Roman Catholic priests from the Pittsburgh diocese met to discuss forming an independent group of ordained clergy.  Almost immediately, The Association of Pittsburgh Priests began advocating for major church renewal and involvement in any number of social justice issues.  In 1993 APP opened its membership to  include former priests, religious and lay women and men.  For over 50 years, APP has been a consistent movement fostering personal spiritual growth; full inclusion of the laity, especially women, in all dimension of Church life; and nonviolence, justice and peace in the most pressing social issues of the times.

Want to know more about APP?  Read a longer history and check out Our Cloud of Witnesses.


Rev. Regis Ryan, President

Sr. Barbara Finch, Vice President

Gretchen Jezerc, Secretary

Donna Brett, Treasurer

     Andy Benchek
Art McDonald
Ed Brett
Rev. John Oesterle
Evelyn Christie
Joyce Rothermel
Rev. Peter Horton
Jim Ruck
Liane Melvin
Marcia Snowden
Marlene Milik
Rev. Bernie Survil

Jim McCarville

Sr. Mary Traupman


Board of Directors
The APP is governed by a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors are current APP members and are
voted into office by the APP membership.

APP leadership depends on its committees to perform necessary functions in a particular area. Their input and support is invaluable to the Board of Directors. Members of the APP are invited to contribute and join a committee.

Provides strategic oversight and guidance to one or more projects within the APP.

Church Renewal

Seeks the fullest implementation of Vatican II's call to be a Church of ongoing reformation and spiritual renewal and to be a people who integrate their faith into daily life to the glory of God.  To that end, the committee organizes the APP Speaker Series, promotes the teaching of Pope Francis, advocates for an increased role of women in the Church and a consistent ethic of life, works for lay leadership in our parishes and diocese, promotes an inclusive Catholic Church and calls for honesty and transparency by Church leaders.

Social Justice

Promotes the tenets of Catholic Social Teaching.  The committee reads the signs of the times and becomes aware of all forms of injustice in our world. We ask all people to advocate for change in policies and actions that perpetuate such injustice. Prayer, Study and Action are at the heart of what we do.


Identifies potential new members, contacts lapsed members, and engages current members. Provides input and feedback regarding membership needs, programs and policies.

Communication & Technology

Supports and implements the internal and external communications of the APP, including web-based communications, social media, and public relations.  Works behind the scenes to run the Speaker Series and maintains the website.



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