Association of Pittsburgh Priests 

"Women and men responding to God's baptismal call to renew ourselves and the Catholic Church, welcoming and including all, for a world of mercy, justice and peace."

Pope Francis: Pastor, Prophet, & Diplomat with Fr. Bryan Hehir

  • 8 May 2025
  • 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
  • Zoom



Pope Francis is well recognized for his leadership and innovation within the Catholic Church; in the long term his impact on the world may be seen as equally significant. The relationship of pastor, prophet, and diplomat illustrates how the internal and external roles relate in his leadership style. Fr. Hehir will explore how the impact of these dimensions of Francis’ Papacy are influencing the world today and into the future. Fr. Bryan Hehir is a priest in the Archdiocese of Boston. He was formerly a faculty member at Georgetown University and at Harvard Divinity School. Until his retirement in 2021, he was a professor of the practice of religion and public life at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government. Hehir played a major role in the drafting of The Challenge of Peace and Economic Justice for All, the US Bishops’ pastorals on the arms race and the US economy in the mid 1980s.

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